
At times, Gmail mistakenly sends emails you want, to the Spam folder...

If you do not readily find an email from Harvey Books, LLC

Please check your Gmail Spam Folder:

To assure you continue to get emails you asked to receive, Create a Filter

  1. If you find an email from Harvey Books, LLC in Gmail spam?
  2. Open the email please.
  3. Click 'Dots' button on the top right, to reveal your choices.

Click Filter messages like this



Filter messages like this

Click the button Create filter to open your settings.

From the next menu, please check these options

Never send it to Spam

Always mark it as important

Also apply filter to matching conversations

Categorize as: Choose Category...

Under the "Categorize as: Choose Category..."

  1. Click the dropdown icon next to "Choose Category..."
  2. Please select Primary in the next options menu.

Choose Category...






Click the blue Create filter button, to save your settings

Now you will always see Harvey Books, LLC in your Primary Inbox tab!

Next, if the email remains open? Please mark the email as "Not spam"

  1. - If you see an email from Harvey Books, LLC: Open the email please.
  2. - Click the button on the alert, labeled Report Not spam

alert icon

Why is this message in spam? It is similar to messages that were identified as spam in the past.

Report not spam

Gmail Tabs

- If you are using Gmail Tabs such as 'Promotions' please open your Promotions tab in Gmail.

  1. - If you find an email from Harvey Books, LLC in your Gmail Promotions tab:
  2. - Grab and drag my email to the Primary Inbox Tab.
  3. - After doing so, you will receive an alert like the one below at the top of your Gmail toolbar.
  4. Conversation moved to Primary. Do this for future messages from

    Yes Undo

  5. - Click Yes in the black alert box at Gmail.
  6. - This way you will always see Harvey Books, LLC in your Primary Inbox tab...

Also you can create a filter...

  1. - If you find an email from Harvey Books, LLC in your Gmail Promotions tab:
  2. - Open the email please.
  3. - Click the dots menu on the top left of the email.

Click Filter messages like this.



Filter messages like this

Click the button Create filter to open your settings.

Please select Primary in the next options menu.

Choose Category...






Click the blue Create filter button, to save your settings

Now you will always see Harvey Books, LLC in your Primary Inbox tab...

Gmail Mobile App

If you are using the Gmail Mobile App on your mobile device, please open the app now

Should you not readily see an email from Harvey Books, LLC, please check the Spam Folder:

Should an email from Harvey Books, LLC appear mistakenly sent to Gmail spam?

Please open the email and Tap the


Move to


Change labels

Mark as not important

Select "Change labels..."

Check the box next to Inbox

Image of Gmail's new label menu

Tap OK to save your settings

Are you are using Gmail Tabs such as "Promotions" please open your Promotions tab in Gmail.

  1. When you find the email from Harvey Books, LLC
  2. Tap the menu icon - top right.
  3. Then select Move to.
  4. Move to


    Change labels

  5. Then select Primary from the list.
  6. Screenshot of the Gmail app move to menu

This should help Gmail to know, you always want to see Harvey Books, LLC in your Primary Inbox tab...

Yahoo icon

Harvey Books, LLC is in no way associated with any of the brands, websites or applications quoted here. All Trademarks ® are the property of their respective owners.

Created with Email Whitelist Generator v5.0
